The Pros and Cons of Silicone Breast Implants By Oren Zvi Lerman, M.D. on October 05, 2015

A surgeon holding a breast implantPatients know that they can trust in the expertise and results of Dr. Oren Lerman, who is one of the leading plastic surgeons in Manhattan. The results that Dr. Lerman can achieve with breast augmentation surgery are quite astonishing, helping women achieve fuller and more effeminate bustlines in the process.

We receive a number of questions about the types of breast implants that are available. Let's consider silicone breast implants right now.

About Silicone Breast Implants

Silicone breast implants are arguably the most well-known and most popular kind of breast implants that are used for breast augmentation surgery. These implants consist of a silicone shell that surrounds a silicone gel interior.

How Safe Are Silicone Breast Implants?

Silicone breast implants are relatively safe so long as patients are attentive about potential leaks or ruptures.

For several years, silicone breast implants were banned for use within the United States because of concerns about the silicone gel used in the implants. After clinical trials, silicone breast implants were approved for use by the FDA.

If a patient notices any signs of a potential breast implant rupture, they should seek emergency medical attention as soon as possible so these matters can be addressed promptly.

How Likely Is Silicone Breast Implant Rupture?

Breast implant ruptures are generally rare among most people who receive breast implants. Ruptures will generally only occur when a person experiences a serious blow or trauma of some kind to the chest. This might be the result of a serious fall, for example, or an auto accident.

Patients will notice a slight change in the size or shape of their breast implants as a result of rupture, as well as lumps around the breast implant. Be mindful of issues with size reductions or texture changes following any sort of serious blow to the chest.

The Advantages of Silicone Breast Implants Over Saline Implants

Silicone breast implants typically yield results that look and feel more natural than saline breast implants. This is because the silicone gel better resembles natural breast tissue in terms of overall texture and quality. In terms of overall aesthetics, silicone breast implants also do not experience the problems with rippling that saline breast implants have.

The Disadvantages of Silicone Breast Implants Compared to Saline Implants

The primary disadvantage of silicone breast implants involves issues with ruptures. It often takes longer to notice a silicone breast implants rupture than a saline breast implant rupture, which is a given when one considers the different solutions that are in each breast implant.

In addition, there is less flexibility with incisions for breast augmentation surgery when silicone breast implants are used. Silicone breast implants can only be placed using incisions around the breasts, whereas saline breast implants can be placed using incisions hidden in the armpit and belly button. With that in mind, cosmetic surgeons work carefully to ensure that any incisions made are as small and non-invasive as possible.

Which Kind of Breast Implants Are Right for Me?

Each patient's needs are different, which is why it's important that you visit a plastic surgeon for a consultation to find out which kinds of breast implants would be best for you and your aesthetic goals. We will work closely with you to help you look your absolute best.

Learn More About Breast Implants

To learn more about breast augmentation surgery and how it can help you have better curves and a more attractive overall frame, be sure to contact our cosmetic plastic surgery center today. Dr. Oren Lerman and his team look forward to your visit and helping you achieve all of your aesthetic goals.

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Dr. Oren Lerman

Oren Z. Lerman, MD

Dr. Oren Lerman performs a variety of cosmetic and reconstructive procedures with a specialty in reconstructive breast surgery. In fact, he is the director of breast reconstruction at Lenox Hill Hospital's Institute for Comprehensive Breast Care as well as the Microvascular and Cosmetic Breast Fellowship. In addition to the hospital, Dr. Lerman is affiliated with:

  • The New York Regional Society of Plastic Surgeons (Past President)
  • The American Board of Plastic Surgery (Diplomate)
  • The American College of Surgeons (Fellow)
  • The American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • The American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery

You can schedule a consultation with Dr. Lerman by filling out our online form or calling (212) 434-6980.

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"The one thing that is most important when we're doing cosmetic surgery and aesthetic surgery of the face or the body is to make sure that the patient is happy afterwards..."
Dr. Oren Lerman

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